Where can I Purchase your coffee?

You can choose from all our great coffee offerings on our website, or visit us seasonally at The Bedminster’s Farmers Market. Click to SHOP.

Do you do events?

Yes, We’ll bring the Coffee, in our Classic 1975 Citroen Coffee Truck! Click for more INFORMATION.

What Is Your Local Delivery Procedure?

We offer FREE Hand Delivery to the following towns: Scotch Plains, Fanwood, Westfield, and Clark. If your not in one of the the towns listed, but live nearby, shoot us an email, and we’ll figure it out.

Hand-Deliveries will go out on weekends. For example, orders placed Monday - Friday will be delivered on Saturday or Sunday. Once we receive your order, we will notify you of your delivery schedule.

Can my order be delivered by USPS or other delivery services?

Yes, but only in NJ. Presently we operate under NJ Cottage Law. This means that we are allowed to roast coffee at our home. However, with this law comes restrictions, one of those being we cannot ship or deliver outside of New Jersey.

Can You Grind My Coffee?

Yes. When you place your order on the website, there is an option on our order form to have your coffee ground.

What is Cottage Law?

On October 4, 2021, the State of New Jersey passed new rules creating a cottage food operator permit. New Jersey has now joined other states in allowing cottage food operations. The NJ Health Department has been working on this issue for some time and carefully balanced allowing home bakers to operate small businesses while instituting appropriate safeguards. While developing these new regulations, the Department received input from many stakeholders, including local health departments, home bakers, the retail food industry, and others. 

The new law allows permit holders to produce certain foods in their homes after meeting very specific requirements. Coffee Roasting happened to be on the list, and we saw this as a great opportunity to move forward with South Side Coffee Company.

"This food (Coffee) is prepared pursuant to NJAC 8:24-11 in a home kitchen that has not been inspected by the Department of Health."

Here are the main restrictions we have had a food cottage business:

  • We can only sell in the State of New Jersey

  • We can only sell directly to the consumer.

Do You have a permit to sell coffee?

Yes. South Side Coffee Company LLC of Scotch Plains is approved by The NJ Department of Health for the sale of Roasted Coffee & Dried Teas. Permit No. CFO #673. April 2022-April 2024

Are you a Food Manager?

Yes. I am an ANSI Certified Food Protection Manager. April 2022-April 2027